At Luxhosting, we take abuse reports seriously to ensure a safe and responsible online environment for all our users. If you come across any misuse, violations, or harmful activities related to our web hosting and domains services, please report it to us immediately.
To report abuse, please send an email to our dedicated abuse team at [email protected]. Include all relevant details, such as the nature of the abuse, the URLs involved, and any supporting evidence you may have.
Receipt Confirmation
Once you submit an abuse report, you will receive an acknowledgment email from us, confirming that we have received your complaint.
Review within 24 Hours
Our team will begin reviewing the report within 24 hours of receiving it. We take every complaint seriously and prioritize swift action.
Thorough Investigation
Our experts will thoroughly investigate the reported abuse to validate the claim and gather additional information if necessary.
Appropriate Action
If we find the reported abuse to be genuine, we will take immediate and appropriate action to address the issue. Our goal is to protect the interests of all users and so our part to keep the internet safe.
Resolution Confirmation
Once the abuse complaint has been successfully resolved, we email you and confirm that action has been taken and that we now consider the issue resolved.